- Founded on December 16,1952 as a Provisional Club (Sponsor Club: Rotary Club of Osaka)
- Chartered by RI on January 16,1953 Held a Charter Night jointly with the Rotary Club of Osaka-South on May 3,1953, at Takarazuka Grand Theater.
4.Meeting Place
- Hotel Hankyu International(“Zuichou” on 6th floor) Tel:+81(0)6-6377-2100
View from Google Maps
5.Date and Hour of Weekly Meeting
- Every Wednesday: 12:30 to 13:30
6.Constitution and Bylaws
- July 1,2019: Amendments to the Constitution of the Rotary Club of Osaka-North
- December 1,2021: Amendments to the Bylaws of the Rotary Club of Osaka-North
7.Initial Fee,Annual Dues and Visitor Fee
- Initial fee: 150,000yen
- Annual dues: 300,000 yen
- Visitor fee: 5,000 yen
8.Admissions to and Withdrawals from Membership(July 2022 to June 2023)
- Admitted: 16 members. Withdrawn: 7 members. Deceased: 0 members
9.Number of Members (July 1 2023)
- 211 members. 24 members when the Rotary Club of Osaka-North was founded
10.Ages of Members
- Average: 64 years, 1 months old. Oldest: 99 years, 4 months old. Youngest: 39 years, 11 months old
11.Age Distribution of Members
- 30s: 1 member, 40s: 13 members, 50s: 68 members, 60s: 71 members 70s: 39 members, 80s: 17 members, 90s: 2 member